Industry expert
Mathematics, Music, Linguistics
Polygence mentors are selected based on their exceptional academic background, teaching experience, and unique ability to inspire the next generation of innovative thinkers and industry leaders.
Mathematics, Music, Linguistics
Comparative Literature; Film Studies; Literary Analysis; Cultural Studies; Francophone, Anglophone and Arabophone Literature & Cinema; Postcolonial Theory
mental health, psychology (eating behavior, health behaviors, stress, weight stigma, weight issues, body image, social connection, social relationships, mind-body connection)
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurobiology, Biotechnology, Dentistry, MedicineEntrepreneurialism, Dentistry, Medicine, Human Development, Organizational Behavior
Ancient Philosophy, Theology, Biblical Studies, Art & Faith, Church History
Sociology, English/Literature, Creative Writing, Drama, Gender Studies; projects involving topics in: young adult literature, fanfiction, gender/racial/ability/class stratification, playwriting and theatre analysis
Water treatment, nanotechnology, environmental justice, environmental engineering, green chemistry, green engineering, environmental policy, sustainable materials
Cognitive Science; Developmental Psychology; Computational Modeling; Scientific and Creative Writing; Literature; Film
mechanical engineering, environmental science
Business, IT Audit, Consulting, accounting
East Asian Philosophy, East Asian History, English, Creative Writing, Literature, Art Analysis, Music Analysis, History, Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology
Memorialization culture (monuments, memorials, and museums); Public history; Genocide, crimes against humanity, and mass atrocities; History of human rights; Germany [German literature, poetry, film, and art]; 20th century; World War II
Medicine, Pre-med, Neuroscience
MBA, Supply Chain Operations, Chemical Engineering, Film Production
Increasing Value in Healthcare, Health Innovation, Public Speaking, Medicine, Health Disparities, Molecular Biology
Civic engagement, mobilization, race/ethnic politics, gender, authoritarianism, religion/politics, political psychology, political participation, constitutional studies, Supreme Court
robotics, mechanical engineering, drawing, computer science - python, computer science - machine learning, engineering design, circuits, PCB design
developmental psychology, early cognitive development, early language acquisition, gesture and communication, theater and performance studies
Environmental Sciences (agriculture, plant biology, ecology, etc), Arts - dance or creative writing, Business Topics, and Sustainability of environmental, social, and economic topics. Solar energy development as well.
Clinical trials/research, Observational studies, Oncology, Anticoagulation, Family Medicine, Infectious Disease, Dermatologic malignancy, Outcomes-based research