Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects

Project: “Since 2000, how has human gene therapy treated brain cancer?“

Project: “Predicting Excess Bond Returns using Neural Networks“

Project: “What is the probability of Earling Haaland scoring more than 40 goals in the 2022/23 Premier League?“

Project: “How does myopia affect people, and how can minors with myopia better take care of their health?“

Project: “Does sleep duration have a correlation with job satisfaction among healthcare professionals?“

Project: “ML Model Question Framework: Mitigating Bias in Clinical Note-Taking“

Project: “Understanding causes of school shooting events“

Project: “What causes stuttering and how can it be categorized?“

Project: “Community Psychology: Dive into the fundamentals of psychology's impact on communities and social justice“

Project: “The spatial variability in the short and long term health effects of the Chernobyl accident“

Project: “The impact of the Sri Lanka Civil War on Economic Outcomes“

Project: “Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: A Philosophical Perspective Through the Lens of Motivation and Volition“

Project: “Types of Space Radiation & Its Effects on Humans“

Project: “AI-Powered Precision: Revolutionizing Lunar Landings with Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning“

Project: “Using Multiple Regression Analysis to Understand Li-ion Battery Performance“

Project: “How can enzymatic activity be utilized to optimize ocean carbon sequestration while minimizing economic and ecological damages, and which specific biochemical pathways should be targeted for enhancement?“

Project: “Developing a Relationship Between the Ambient Temperature and Main Tuning Slide Length of a B-Flat Trumpet“

Project: “Nanoparticles Delivery as a New Method to Treat Type 1 Diabetes“

Project: “How does BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation lead to chemotherapeutic resistance in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer?“

Project: “Is it possible to create a cheap and effective proximity sensor for a vehicle using an Arduino and distance sensor? This proposed system could act as a collision prevention system by sounding an alarm if the distance between an object and a vehicle decreases to a dangerous level.“