Kadhir Umachandar
Class of 2025Sammamish, WA
Hello! My name is Kadhir Umachandar, and my Polygence project involves building an affordable car collision prevention system. I chose to work on this project because I wish to major in engineering and thought this was an exciting application that applies to the real world. After completing my project, I would like to publish an instructables.com post outlining the steps required to build this device so ordinary people can implement it in their older cars and help save lives.Projects
- Is it possible to create a cheap and effective proximity sensor for a vehicle using an Arduino and distance sensor? This proposed system could act as a collision prevention system by sounding an alarm if the distance between an object and a vehicle decreases to a dangerous level. with mentor Henry (Aug. 7, 2024)
Kadhir's Symposium Presentation
Project Portfolio
Is it possible to create a cheap and effective proximity sensor for a vehicle using an Arduino and distance sensor? This proposed system could act as a collision prevention system by sounding an alarm if the distance between an object and a vehicle decreases to a dangerous level.
Started June 5, 2023

Abstract or project description
In 2021, frontal impacts accounted for 18 driver deaths per million registered passenger vehicles in the US [1]. However, an onboard digital warning system could have easily prevented many of these collisions. Such a system can give a driver precious seconds to take action and avoid a crash. This is why most new vehicles have a built-in collision prevention system that uses radar to sound an alarm if it gets too close to whatever is in front of them [2]. These systems have been proven to reduce crashes and injuries from forward collisions by about 40% [3]. Unfortunately, older vehicles do not have this warning mechanism built in. To fix this problem, we propose an affordable collision prevention system with an Arduino Uno, an ultrasonic sensor, and a piezo buzzer that works similarly to a newer car.
References: [1] https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/passenger-vehicle-occupants#crash-types [2] https://caradas.com/adas-radar-sensor/ [3] https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/occupant-protection/advanced-driv[...]sistance-systems/data-details/