Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects

Project: “What extent are neurological disorders considered by the court system?“

Project: “TBD“

Project: “How does prosecutorial misconduct affect the American criminal justice system, and what role does American society take on in improving and strengthening the justice system?“

Project: “Targeting the NF-kB pathway in cancer pathogenesis“

Project: “Examining for Difference of Creativity in Young Adolescent Synesthetes vs. Non-Synesthetes“

Project: “Gene Therapies For The Treatment Of Depression“

Project: “Women, Empowerment, and Safety (WES) What kind of workshop structure and content will enable women in my area to feel empowered and connect over safety?“

Project: “Summarizing and Modeling the TREM2 signaling pathway as it relates to key features of Alzheimers' Disease“

Project: “ Investigation of the role of Gelsemium sempervirens extract in improving social interaction of a traumatic injury induced Drosophila melanogaster offspring model“

Project: “The Absence of Autonomy and Agency on Young Women Amongst the South Asian and MENA Diaspora in Modern-Day Arranged Marriages“

Project: “Maximizing Vision to Increase Flight Capabilities of UAVs in Inclement Weather“

Project: “Lamiaceae: Medicinal Potential & Developments“

Project: “Machine Learning for High Schoolers“

Project: “Mardi Gras: A Tradition of Oppression and a Grounds for Counter Culture Resistance“

Project: “Do social media and technology help spread the ideas of sustainability and what medium of technology is most successful in doing so?“

Project: “How does CDNF impact memory loss in older adults with neurodegenerative disorders?“

Project: ““How does the environment affect our minds?”“

Project: “Protein-Protein Interactions between HTT, PRPF40B, and MECP2 are involved in Lopes-Maciel-Rodan-Syndrome“

Project: “Exploring the Role of Periodontal Disease in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease“

Project: “Can we predict Depression & Bipolar Disorder through Feed Forward Neural Networks using MADRS survey and activity sensor data?“