Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects

Project: “Otome/J-Romantic games and the development of Japanese women's consciousness“

Project: “How does exposure to environmental toxins during key developmental stages affect one's risk of getting breast cancer later in life?“

Project: “Genetic determinants of intelligence“

Project: “needs to be filled out“

Project: “The effects of Exercise Therapy on Tourettes Syndrome and Tics“

Project: “The Effect of Government spending on GDP growth, interest rates, inflation, unemployment“

Project: “A Legal Analysis of Insider Trading in the United States through the lens of the Martha Stewart Insider Trading Scandal“

Project: “Can a space shuttle withstand a perpendicular launch from Mars?“

Project: “Drought Disaster“

Project: “The Impact of AI on the Labor Market for the Financial and Manufacturing Sector“

Project: “Wearable ASL Glove“

Project: “Age-Dependent Anatomical Abnormalities of the Amygdala in Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Implications for Altered Socio-Emotional Development“

Project: “Why are Juvenile Cases held at such low regard compared to regular adult-like cases?“

Project: “Why do neurons of the CNS not regenerate? A focus on glial cells.“

Project: “A Review on Vitiligo: Pathogenesis, Etiology, Psychological Impacts, and Treatments.“

Project: “Historical, Current, and Future Therapeutic Strategies to treat Parkinson’s Disease“

Project: “Music Therapy's Effectiveness for Children on the Autism Spectrum“

Project: “Sar-CoV-2 affecting sleep“

Project: “I've Been Freed: Understanding How Womanism Informs Black Women's Identity Development“

Project: “SCOBY Skin: a probiotic-induced bioengineered microbial-based textile adhesive for wound healing“