Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects

Project: “How does listening to different types of music (tonal, atonal and silence) affect a child's (10-12) visual memory retention.“

Project: “In what ways can theatre organisations and businesses effectively collaborate to achieve optimal synergy and create unique, mutually beneficial partnerships?“

Project: “How can we utilize nano-delivery technology in conjecture with CRISPR/Cas9 to develop a potential treatment to treat individuals contracted with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)?“

Project: “A Project on how switching to sustainable practices in large companies or small companies can positively affect their business and corporate social responsibility. Exploring how large companies have mostly transformed to use less plastic and enact more sustainable practices.“

Project: “Refugees Effect on The Economy“

Project: “In what ways can parents minimize the impacts of masking on children’s social-emotional development?“

Project: “Addressing Ocean Acidification as a Grand Challenge: Evaluating the Potential for the Removal of Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Sulfur Dioxide as Alternatives to Carbon Dioxide“

Project: “The differences between each language's scripts and writing systems“

Project: “The Learning Experience of Somali Refugee Children in America: Best Practice Suggestions for Schools“

Project: “Overcoming Academic Procrastination: A Behavioral-Cognitive Approach“

Project: “How has the discourse on marriage, women’s rights, and inheritance as well as the evolution of epistolary novels been impacted by Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen?“

Project: “Our Voices: A Call for a Diverse Theater Industry“

Project: “Understanding preferences for automobile exhaust sounds through audio sampling and user surveys.“

Project: “Sustainable Fast Fashion“

Project: “Destress & Refresh: Creating an Interactive Mental Health Support Site for Teenagers“

Project: “Machine Learning-Based Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Linguistic Features“

Project: “TBD: Lost-Cost Vehicle Park Assistant Tool“

Project: “The Punic Wars: How Rome Defeated Its Greatest Enemy“

Project: “Investigating the Mystery of Peto's Paradox“

Project: “Phytoplankton Toxins’ Applications in Medicine“