Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects
Project: “Biological Modeling of Rheumatoid Arthritis & FBXO48“
Project: “English, Chinese, and Temporal Reference Frames“
Project: “Research essay on WWI trauma and Gance's _J'accuse_“
Project: “A Machine Learning-based Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease“
Project: “'Reaching Our Star' - Blending Animation With Real-life“
Project: “Tune to Today“
Project: “In what ways can Krashen's Input Hypothesis apply to students in a wide range of foreign language learning classrooms?“
Project: “Statistically Analyzing Club Loft, Ball Position, and Swing Size to Predict Total Distances of Short Game Shots“
Project: “Citizen Science Game: Identifying iNaturalist Animals via Gamification“
Project: “Phage Therapy against antibiotic-resistant pathogens“
Project: “Phenomenology of Pregnancy and Possibility“
Project: “Mitochondrial Disease: Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and its causes, effects, and treatments.“
Project: “How do cognitive load, social presence, self-regulated learning skills, and technology acceptance contribute to the differences in information retention between classroom learning and online learning?“
Project: “Optimization of Firefighting Resource Positions with Linear Programming“
Project: “What are inner speech's viability and relevant characteristics for Brain-computer interface use?“
Project: “Question: Can a student write and publish a children's book that demonstrates an effective way to teach problem-solving skills?“
Project: “ Metanalysis of 2012-2022 Data on Antibiotic Resistance in Mycoplasma Pneumonaie Across Geographic and Socioeconomic Factors“
Project: “An Asian-Canadian Story: Admittance of Wrongdoings and Promises of Improvements“
Project: “The Role of Epithelial Cell Extrusion in Carcinoma: Mechanotransduction and Drug Treatment“
Project: “State Estimation of Ground Robots“