How do age and biological sex influence vaccine responses and public health guidelines?

Explore your unique research interest
with a hand-picked expert mentor
PhD Candidate in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ross Greer is a PhD Candidate in Electrical & Computer Engineering studying Intelligent Systems, Robotics, and Control at the University of California, San Diego.
PhD candidate in Social Psychology at Princeton University
Logan Pearce is completing her PhD in Social Psychology at Princeton University. Before Princeton, she earned her B.S. in Symbolic Systems, an interdisciplinary major spanning computer science, psychology, linguistics, and philosophy, from Stanford University in 2020.
Doctoral Candidate at Stanford University
Chelsea Harder is a mixed methods researcher completing her Doctorate at Stanford University. She is an expert in Sensory Culture.
Matched with a mentor
Milestone I
Project Title, Description, and Desired Outcome
Milestone II
Initial Draft of Project
Milestone III
Final Draft of Project and Showcase
Launchpad sessions
Core Program
Premium Showcasing Support
Launchpad Program
Core Program
Premium Showcasing Support
(Publishing, Multimedia or Presenting)
Premium Showcasing Support
The Polygence core program consists of 10 one-on-one sessions between the student and mentor. The program is structured around 3 Milestones in addition to regular assignments to ensure students make steady progress on their project. Given the diversity of projects, these milestones are designed to be as flexible as possible to accommodate any and all types of projects.
Would you like to get a clear sense of your academic interests and explore career paths? Are you ready to get professional support for showcasing you work? Check out our program add-ons through the interactive toggles below!
[My project] was my first time in high school where I felt like a real engineer. It also helped me shape what exactly I want to be doing as an engineer around innovation and creating my own projects, instead of following a blueprint.
The idea that you can do anything, or you can have an effect on a really big problem…that’s something I developed through Polygence and with my mentor.
[My mentor] wanted to know what I'm interested in. He also talked about what he's interested in, so it was almost like talking to a friend, but he's a mentor as well, and he gave me so much advice...He was someone that encouraged me throughout my entire journey and helped me to stay motivated. He made me feel so proud of myself for working on the project, as well.