Meet Polygence Scholars and explore their projects

Project: “Nonprofits and For-profit Firms: Exploring Meaningful Work and Employee Fulfillment“

Project: “Potential Candidates for Dark Matter (Work in Progress)“

Project: “How do Republican and Democratic Politicians frame inequality on social media, and how does it impact the issue-salience of voters?“

Project: “How can 3D-printed chitosan-based scaffolds be optimised to improve mechanical strength and degradation rates?“

Project: “Considering Biological Sex in The Development of Dementia“

Project: “Australia: the Fallen Giant of Industry“

Project: “Epstein-Barr virus as a Disease-Causing Agent in Well-Characterized Disease States and the Broader Population“

Project: “Alumni of The Mountain School“

Project: “Safety and efficacy of Allogeneic CAR-T cell for relapsed and refractory Multiple Myeloma“

Project: “How can we create a space where teens can take care of their mental health with other solutions besides therapy?“

Project: “To what extent do ethical considerations influence the usage of gene editing techniques for cosmetic purposes?“

Project: “Calculating the maximum thrust generated per second by a model ionic engine when a cosmic ray source is incident on it using OpenMC“

Project: “What are some issues on implementation and viability regarding legislative actions taken to address domestic violence, and what recommendations should be made to further the work of Extreme Risk Protection Orders?“

Project: “The Golden Dish: A Short Story“

Project: “Effect“

Project: “Compile a handbook/guide to help dancers navigate the most common injuries faced by ballet dancers.“

Project: “A Comparison of B Cell-Targeting Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis“

Project: “Gene editing in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Applications & Ethics“

Project: “What are the regenerative medicinal effects of stem cell niches on Acute Myeloid Leukemia?“

Project: “Role of Aberrant mRNA Splicing in Parkinson's Disease Progression and Potential Gene Therapies“