Shivang Giri
Class of 2024
- "Concerns of Small Business Owners and How They Address Them" with mentor Peichi (Sept. 19, 2023)
Project Portfolio
Concerns of Small Business Owners and How They Address Them
Started May 31, 2023
Abstract or project description
Shivang will be applying to colleges as an economics or government major, and is therefore doing a research study that parallels his interests. He has decided to concentrate his study on the small businesses in his township of Hillsborough, NJ. He wishes to discover the concerns that small business owners have in his township, as well as they types of solutions (i.e., local/state/federal policies, economic support, etc.) that they desire. Embedded within his analysis will be a comparison of women-owned vs. men-owned businesses, and businesses that used the NJSBDC vs. did not use them, since his reading of the literature showed that women-owned businesses and businesses that do not use the NJSBDC struggled more comparatively. He will be using in-person surveys that will contain a couple of open-ended questions. An outcome of this survey will be a policy report that he will put together for his town and that he will hopefully be able to get some recognition for.