Better Together

You've taken your first step towards your academic future, and we are excited to continue on this journey with you. On this page you will find everything you need to start your own project.

Polygence in partnership with Summer Discovery
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Introducing PolyPilot:

Our AI-Powered Mentorship Program

Learn More

The Polygence Program

Motivated student during a Polygence session with her mentor

Pathfinder Career Discovery Program

Pathfinders is a 3-session, one-on-one mentorship program that lets middle school and high school students take 3 careers or academic subjects on a test-drive, or explore areas of 
research to refine a unique project idea.

Pathfinders is a 3-session, one-on-one mentorship program that lets middle school and high school students take 3 careers or academic subjects on a test-drive.

  • 1:1 sessions with experts from 3 different fields

  • Student-generated ideas for further exploration in each of the 3 disciplines

  • 1 Passion Diagnostic reflection session with a Polygence educator that assesses the strengths, interests, and areas of growth for the student

Motivated student with mentor

The Core Polygence Program

The Polygence Core Program pairs students with an expert mentor to explore their unique research interest over a structured 10-session project, building a student-driven research outcome they can proudly showcase.

The Polygence core program consists of 10 one-on-one sessions between the student and mentor. The program is structured around 3 Milestones in addition to regular assignments to ensure students make steady progress on their project. Given the diversity of projects, these milestones are designed to be as flexible as possible to accommodate any and all types of projects.

  • 10 one-on-one sessions in total

  • Opportunity to apply to present at Symposium

  • Opportunity to ask mentor for Letter of Recommendation

Female student at science fair showcasing her research

Premium Showcasing Support

As part of the 3-session Premium Showcasing Support, students are matched with a Showcasing Specialist who is trained to help them identify relevant showcasing opportunities for their research, and format their work for submission.

As part of the 3-session Premium Showcasing Support, students are matched with a Showcasing Specialist who is trained to help them identify relevant showcasing opportunities for their research, and format their work for submission.

  • 3 one-on-one sessions in total

  • Guidance on an advanced project

  • Premium support on showcasing

Register here to schedule a call with a Polygence Admissions Advisor to learn more

Polygence Alumni College Admission Stats

Polygence’s mission is to empower the next generation of students to take control of their education. Let these metrics speak for our students' success in their college admissions!

99% of Polygence Alumni features their project on college applications

of Polygence Alumni feature projects on College Apps

9/15 Admissions Officers Say Research Helps

Admissions Officers from Top Colleges say research helps

Polygence improves Admissions Chances 5x

Polygence Alumni have up to 5x greater admissions chances

Student Spotlight

Meet our alumni students who already walked the Polygence path, completed their first projects, and unlocked their academic journey by achieving an exciting array of outcomes!

Polygence Alumni student Luke


Project: Nepotistic Hiring and Poverty From Cultural, Social Class, and Situational Perspectives

Luke published a research paper in a top-tier peer-reviewed psychology journal Frontiers with his mentor - a Stanford researcher.

Now at MIT

Polygence student Tori


Project: Foggy Minds - A Podcast on Dementia

Tori published a podcast on Spotify about neurodegenerative diseases and dementia with her mentor from Yale.

Now at Brown University

Polygence alumni student, Youssef


Project: AutoMelter: An Anti-Snow System for Driveways

Youssef published a research paper, presented at the Symposium of Rising Scholars and built a robot that automatically melts snow on the driveway.

Now at Northwestern University

Mentor Spotlight

Our mentors aren't just experts with an exceptional academic background, they are also superstars of their fields with a unique ability to inspire the next generation of innovative thinkers, aka you.

Once you embark on your Polygence adventure, your mentor will help you deepdive into what you're passionate about, coach you through your project and expose you to academic research beyond the high school level.

Michal, Polygence mentor in Computer Science


Brown University
PhD candidate in Computer Science, AI

Machine learning

Artificial intelligence

Data science

Natalie, Polygence mentor in Musicology


Princeton University
PhD candidate in Musicology

Music Theory

Music Psychology

Media Studies

David, Polygence mentor in the field of Business


Northwestern University
MBA Master of Business Administration




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your own project? 
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