Pearl Luc
Class of 2024Arcadia, CA
- "Gr(own) Up" with mentor Maryann (Sept. 18, 2023)
Project Portfolio
Gr(own) Up
Started Mar. 7, 2023
Abstract or project description
Every year, millions of people in the United States turn 18 years old, becoming adults in the eyes of the law. They no longer require adult supervision, or parental permission to make large impactful choices. The American educational system fails to prepare adolescents for many aspects of the adulting landscape, a fact that has been normalized, and is commonly a running joke. The effects of these information gaps only widen in a post-pandemic society. Gr(own) Up is a project that seeks to fill these gaps, focusing on financial literacy and the job landscape. Using the mediums of video presentations, pamphlets, and social media, this project offers resources that school academics simply do not offer. The compilation of Gr(own) Up’s resources are meant to be one that any adolescent or young adult could benefit to learn and draw from in navigating independence as a legal adult. Our hope is people will proactively choose to educate themselves on these inevitable responsibilities rather than choose to figure things out later or when problems arise. The project hopes to combat a normalized information gap, helping people to understand and own up to the new set of responsibilities adulting brings.