Nicole Li
Class of 2025
- "Broken Promises: Examining the Detrimental Impacts of the Indigenous Water Crisis in Canada" with mentor Holly (Sept. 22, 2024)
Nicole's Symposium Presentation
Project Portfolio
Broken Promises: Examining the Detrimental Impacts of the Indigenous Water Crisis in Canada
Started Sept. 19, 2023
Abstract or project description
As the stewards of the traditional lands of Canada, Indigenous communities - including the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit - have been historically marginalized in society. To this day, many of these communities face drinking water advisories without adequate access to clean water sources. The five types of water advisories issued are water quality advisory (WQA), boil water advisory (BWA), do not consume (DNC), do not use (DNU), and conserve (CONSV). This paper will explore the detrimental impacts of this water scarcity, which affects the communities' physical and mental health. Worse, a lack of clean water threatens the practice of Indigenous traditions and customs: many cultures believe that humans have the responsibility to protect water as it is considered to be a living entity. To solve this crisis, Indigenous voices must be empowered and amplified throughout policy-making processes. In particular, this is imperative due to the mistrust and suspicion Indigenous communities harbor towards the government, which is primarily the result of Canada's colonial history.