Natalie Piskadlo
Union County Vocational Technical SchoolsClass of 2023
- "Vocabulary Retention of New Polish Words " with mentor Tara-Marie (Aug. 12, 2022)
Project Portfolio
Vocabulary Retention of New Polish Words
Started Apr. 22, 2022
Abstract or project description
Second language learning research suggests that visual aids and illustrations have the potential to enhance proficiency and retention of vocabulary terms in a foreign language. This study builds off of this literature by studying the learning of Polish words using images versus no images, and goes further by studying the differences seen in virtual learning versus in-person learning. This quantitative study compares the effectiveness of four learning methods. High school students (N=20) study 10 vocabulary terms in Polish through: (1) in-person tutoring with flashcards with illustrations, (2) in-person tutoring with flashcards without illustrations, (3) virtual tutoring with flashcards with illustrations, and (4) virtual tutoring with flashcards without illustrations. After a 15-minute tutoring session, participants will be asked to fill out a Google form that measures their vocabulary retainment. They will be asked to fill out the same Google form weekly for the following 3 weeks.