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Kassy Jew

Class of 2025



  • "How have wars in the past affected the food crisis in Vietnam today?" with mentor Makenna (Dec. 14, 2023)

Kassy's Symposium Presentation

Project Portfolio

How have wars in the past affected the food crisis in Vietnam today?

Started Mar. 6, 2023

Abstract or project description

The effects of past wars have a connection towards food security in Vietnam with most having negative effects towards the quantity and quality of Vietnam’s food supply in present-day. These wars have led to struggles such as the country’s overall ability to grow food which have negatively affected specifically the quantity of their food supply. This has led to a moderate food crisis in Vietnam, which is defined as a sharp rise in the rates of hunger and malnutrition reaching local, national, or global levels. With specifically the more recent wars having the most effect towards food. Remnants of each war can be seen in the present day. The Vietnam war is a particularly notable one, and while many know of the Vietnam War, they do not dive deeper into the country’s history nor know about the food crisis. With this emphasis on this war, arguably the most well-known, there is a lack of attention to past wars that occurred and their lingering effect on Vietnam. To investigate how wars in the past affected the food crisis in Vietnam today, I conducted a literature review researching the impact of various wars on food. While Vietnam is not top ranked in concern for food security that does not mean that the country is completely cured of this problem. By knowing the history of what led to Vietnam’s food problem and methods used to combat it, we as people can walk away with new knowledge about the situation and how to help the country further in the present day.