Ethan Tang
Class of 2027Winterville, North Carolina
- "How does autopilot control a plane?" with mentor Zheyuan (Jan. 7, 2025)
Project Portfolio
How does autopilot control a plane?
Started June 5, 2024
Abstract or project description
I am curious about this topic because I want to know how such a complicated piece of machinery can control a plane. For example, how does autopilot know the heading it's going in or the speed of the plane? I find autopilot fascinating to learn about, and researching more about this incredible invention will furthermore boost my curiosity.
I will answer these questions through literature research, help from my mentor, and general research on this topic. If I can't find an answer to one of my questions through research, I can always ask my mentor my questions to help aid in my project.
Finally, some potential subtopics I will be including in my research project would be flight controls, the history of autopilot, autopilot systems, the different types of autopilot, and auto landings. All of these topics will really help me learn about autopilot ever since it was just a concept to now modern day. Being familiarized with this machinery will also open many other doors as well.