Charlie Algert
Miramonte High SchoolClass of 2023Orinda, California
Charlie Algert High School Student From Orinda, California Interested in Data Science, Neuroscience, and Financial Technology [https://charliealgert.com/](https://charliealgert.com/)Projects
- "Cognitive Correlates of Language Acquisition and Discrimination in Simultaneous-Bilingual Infants" with mentor Karina (Oct. 24, 2022)
Project Portfolio
Cognitive Correlates of Language Acquisition and Discrimination in Simultaneous-Bilingual Infants
Started Apr. 15, 2022

Abstract or project description
This review examines the neuro-cognitive correlates of simultaneous language acquisition, primarily focusing on children under the age of 14. It will examine the associated linguistic and neurological processes including the following: discrimination and selection, prosodic classification, inhibitory control, and code switching. These processes employ cognitive systems unique from those of monolingual communication and even cause alterations in neuroanitomical structure. Analysis of these alterations will be presented in the forms of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Additionally, the review will also investigate the presence of a developmental disparity between monolinguals and bilinguals, considering several major hypotheses regarding causation and seeking to determine long-term impact.