Barron Ha
Class of 2024Alameda, California
- "How does aging affect muscle recovery time and are there specific nutrients that mitigate the metabolic decline associated with aging in order to enhance muscle recovery?" with mentor Jerry (Sept. 21, 2023)
Project Portfolio
How does aging affect muscle recovery time and are there specific nutrients that mitigate the metabolic decline associated with aging in order to enhance muscle recovery?
Started June 14, 2023

Abstract or project description
There have been many technological innovations that make it possible to increase the longevity of individuals and change lives. The topic of muscle deterioration and recovery weaves right into the advancing world of medicine and technology. As one ages, the body begins to deteriorate, with many parts of the body losing their full functional capacity. Many of these motor functions include a decline in strength, processing speed, and spatial awareness.**** As an individual ages, the time required for muscle recovery increases, but this topic is infrequently discussed by practitioners in the field. Due to this gap in knowledge, there have been many strategies brought up in recent years to try and slow down the decreasing metabolism and muscle recovery time. The goal of the paper was to find specific nutrients or food groups that mitigates the deterioration of muscle recovery time that occurs with age. Using previous experimental data and clinical trials has been important in studying the effects of aging on muscle recovery and finding an overarching solution. This paper includes results from numerous lab studies and clinical trials to conclude that aging increases oxidative stress and inflammation within the body and the solution to this is to supplement the body with nutrients that trigger an anti-inflammatory response. Effective supplements include proteins, vitamins/antioxidants, and carbohydrates that help ameliorate the slowed recovery time that occurs with aging.**** These findings demonstrate that it is possible to slow down what the body perceives as aging and further advance the field of medicine and technology by showing that nutrients have a greater impact than most perceive. With society's increasing interest in modern diets, a thorough understanding of nutrient supplementation and muscle physiology is crucial for creating a well-balanced nutrition that will promote muscle growth and function.