Arunsai Gutti
Class of 2024Dublin, California
- "How do marine heatwaves affect invertebrates, marine mammals, and fish?" with mentor Juan (Nov. 29, 2023)
Project Portfolio
How do marine heatwaves affect invertebrates, marine mammals, and fish?
Started Nov. 22, 2022
Abstract or project description
Arun is investigating the impacts of heat waves and climate change on marine life. Specifically, Arun is interested in studying the impacts of heat waves on three taxonomic groups: invertebrates, marine mammals, and fish. Different topics of impact that might be researched are population levels fluctuating, food web disruptions, thermal disruptions, and habitat loss. These represent a diverse selection of organisms that fill important niches in their respective marine ecosystems. Arun's research is based on scientific literature, and he has read review papers and will begin reading non-review articles. Arun is considering writing a review paper or creating a multi-media final project (such as a documentary).