Grant B
- Research Program Mentor
MD at Cornell University
Surgical techniques and outcomes, healthcare economics/cost-effectiveness models, medicine, neuroscience, economics
Hi everyone, I'm Grant! I'm a resident physician in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Georgetown University Hospital. I recently graduated from medical school at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. I'm passionate about surgical techniques and outcomes, healthcare decision-making and cost-effectiveness, and data modeling. I've also conducted basic science research in neuroscience, neurophysiology, and wound healing. Outside medicine, I love long-distance running and cooking. I'm also a huge sci-fi nerd and movie buff.Project ideas
Medical Diagnosis/Treatment Scoping Review
1. Beginner Research Project. Students will identify an area of medicine that they are passionate about or interested in learning more about. We will work together to perform a review of current literature, synthesize the body of knowledge, and assemble an article for the general public. Areas of focus will include history of the topic, gaps in current literature, and directions for future research. Examples of topics include the growing role of neurotoxins in healthcare, applications of personalized medicine, and the use of simulations in surgical training.
Surgical Treatment Cost-Effectiveness Model
2. Advanced Research Project. Students will identify a surgical problem that they are passionate about or interested in learning more about. We will work together to study the cost-effectiveness of different solutions to this problem to determine what is best for patients. Students will learn to perform literature review, quantitative data collection, statistical analysis and modeling, and manuscript drafting. Examples include limb salvage vs. prosthesis use after lower limb injury, lumpectomy vs. mastectomy in breast cancer, and open-heart vs. minimally invasive management of aortic valve disease.