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Elyssa E

- Research Program Mentor

Industry expert at George Fox University


Composition, Social Sciences, Music Production, Cultural Studies, Journalism, Creative Writing


Hello, my name is Elyssa--you can call me Elle. I grew up in the US, but am currently on a two year world tour, where I am documenting the social, political, and cultural observations I come across. My passion is humanity: the ways we learn, the ways we express, and the ways we relate to one another. This involves a synthesis of sociology, psychology, history, and storytelling. I have experience with podcasting, photography, musical performance and production, as well as research. As a hobby, I live life curiously. I am an avid creative, musician, martial artist, poet, traveler, hiker, and photographer. In short, I am passionate about living life voraciously.

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Comparison/Contrast of Cultural Differences

As a world traveler, educator, philosopher, and sociological enthusiast, I have had the unique opportunity to analyze and experience the world first-hand. This has allowed me to explore the real challenges and struggles that individual nations face and given me a broad understanding of how our world has developed. Through this study, we ask the question: What would it look like to discover specific similarities and differences between cultures? Within this project you will gain specific knowledge of two world regions in an in-depth and practical way and have the opportunity to develop an impactful response. You can choose between a musical, philosophical, religious, or political comparison, analyzing the impact of your chosen concept upon the country as a whole. During the research phase, you will examine writings from and about each region, watch interviews from individuals within those places (or interview individuals yourself, if you're lucky), and lastly, acquaint yourself with the recent developments of your concept in the culture. Using your research, you will then develop one of the following: 1) a presentation to share your findings in an engaging and interactive way (imagine the TedX presentation style). 2) a research paper illuminating your discoveries and including a personal commentary on your perspective. 3) a series of art (poems, songs, or paintings) that elaborates your findings in a meaningful and understandable way. This can also include written descriptions. Throughout this project you will develop: 1) Strong research and analysis skills. 2) The ability to synthesize information. 3) Your personal artistic and analytical voice 4) A deep understanding of your content area and its current regional and global impact

Write and Record a Podcast

This project begins with questioning and ends with the development of technical recording skills and working with production software. While working with me, you will take your curiosities and turn them into tangible answers that can be shared with the rest of the world. Step 1: Find your curiosity Step 2: Read, wander, and research through current answers that already exist Step 3: Find specific individuals that seem like they have the answer Step 4: Talk to those individuals Step 5: Synthesize your findings in a written script with a logical flow Step 6: Organize that script into a recorded collection of your discoveries Step 7: Publish your work through a podcasting platform Through this project you will develop: 1) Recording and editing experience 2) High-level research skills 3) Critical thinking (and questioning) 4) The ability to conduct a successful interview 5) Written and verbal content synthesis 6) An understanding of podcast publishing platforms

Teaching experience

From 2016-2020, I taught music to students from primary school all the way to higher education. I musically mentored students within my university, both in music theory, performance, and composition. From 2018-2021 I owned a piano studio, teaching individual lessons, but decided to close it to pursue my dream of travel. Since 2021, I have been a remote ESL teacher and also educated students in person throughout the world.


Work experience

Cambly (2021 - Current)
English Educator
Anderson Music Studios (2019 - 2021)
Head of Education
George Fox University--Music Department (2017 - 2020)
Music Theory Assistant


George Fox University
BMus Bachelor of Music (2020)
Music Education

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