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Efthimios G

- Research Program Mentor

MS at Stanford University


Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Data Science


Tim is currently a Stanford Master's student in Computer Science. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from The University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor's degree in computer science. After finishing his bachelor's, he worked for a year in Seattle as an engineer with Amazon's finance technology team. While at Stanford, Tim has taught probability both as a graduate TA and as a lecturer while pursuing coursework in privacy-preserving AI, NLP, and computer vision. His research in Stanford's Machine Learning Group has been applying generative models to human brain imaging in an effort to assist neuroradiologists with diagnosing stroke. When not coding, Tim enjoys weight-lifting and listening to audiobooks.

Project ideas

Project ideas are meant to help inspire student thinking about their own project. Students are in the driver seat of their research and are free to use any or none of the ideas shared by their mentors.

Applying Privacy in AI

Privacy is normally a vague concept, but there are techniques to measure it in a rigorous way. Furthermore, there are ways of training AI models that preserve privacy - this is becoming an interesting area of research.

Generative Models for combining Vision and Language

DALL-E 2 is a model that allows creating images from text. The company that trained it released part of the model called "CLIP". It would be interesting to play with this model and make a toy version of it ourselves to better understand how it works!

Coding skills

Python, Java

Languages I know

Greek, conversational

Teaching experience

I have been a Stanford summer lecturer as well as a Head TA for 2 years in an undergraduate course that culminates in learning the basics of AI / Machine Learning. I also have a few hundred hours of experience tutoring my younger siblings in computer science as guinea pigs :)


Work experience

Stanford (2020 - Current)
AI Researcher
Amazon (2018 - 2019)
Software Engineer


University of Texas Austin (UT Austin)
BS Bachelor of Science (2018)
Computer Science
Stanford University
MS Master of Science (2022)
Computer Science

Completed Projects

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